By Laws
Article I—Duties of Officers
Section 1.
The president shall preside at all meetings of the club and serve as ex-officio member of all committees other than the nominating committee.
Section 2.
The first vice president shall preside in the absence of the president and serve as chair of the program and yearbook committees.
Section 3.
The second vice president shall preside in the absence of the president and first vice president and serve as chair of the membership committee.
Section 4.
The secretary shall record the minutes of all club meetings and board of directors’ meetings. Minutes of the previous meeting shall be submitted to the president to be posted on the website before the next regular club meeting.
Section 5.
The treasurer shall be custodian of all funds for the club and shall keep a record of all the receipts and disbursements and make a monthly report at the club meetings.
Section 6.
The historian shall keep an account of club activities and keep the club history up-to-date.
Section 7.
The parliamentarian shall advise the officers and members of the parliamentary procedures using Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.
Article II—Quorum
Article III—Dues
The dues shall be determined by the membership at the first business meeting of the year and be paid to the San Augustine Garden Club meeting in September.
Dues will be prorated as follows for new members:
Article IV—Standing Committees
The Standing Committees shall be Ways and Means, Publicity and Photography, Programs and Yearbook, Yard Committee, Landscaping and Beautification, Garden Club House Committee, Yard of the Season, Arbor Day, Sunshine and Shadows, Christmas Decorating/Courthouse Square, Scholarship, Finance, Membership and Bylaws.
The club-approved rental agreement of the Garden Club’s “Pink Lady” is in the custody of the president or a person designated by the president, the treasurer and the chair of the ways and means committee.
revised 2-28-2022
Section 1.
The president shall preside at all meetings of the club and serve as ex-officio member of all committees other than the nominating committee.
Section 2.
The first vice president shall preside in the absence of the president and serve as chair of the program and yearbook committees.
Section 3.
The second vice president shall preside in the absence of the president and first vice president and serve as chair of the membership committee.
Section 4.
The secretary shall record the minutes of all club meetings and board of directors’ meetings. Minutes of the previous meeting shall be submitted to the president to be posted on the website before the next regular club meeting.
Section 5.
The treasurer shall be custodian of all funds for the club and shall keep a record of all the receipts and disbursements and make a monthly report at the club meetings.
Section 6.
The historian shall keep an account of club activities and keep the club history up-to-date.
Section 7.
The parliamentarian shall advise the officers and members of the parliamentary procedures using Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.
Article II—Quorum
- Two thirds (2/3) of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the club.
- Two thirds (2/3) of the membership of the board shall constitute a quorum for the board of directors.
- At the beginning of the business meeting, recording secretary shall determine if a quorum is present and notify the president.
- Matters requiring immediate club or board of directors’ action may be voted upon by postal or electronic mail, or in an electronic meeting wherein all members may simultaneously hear one another and participate during the meeting. A quorum of the board of directors or a quorum of club is required for action.
Article III—Dues
The dues shall be determined by the membership at the first business meeting of the year and be paid to the San Augustine Garden Club meeting in September.
Dues will be prorated as follows for new members:
- September - December will pay full amount.
- January - April will pay half the regular amount.
- April - May will pay no dues till September.
Article IV—Standing Committees
- Chairs of standing committees are appointed by the president.
- Members of standing committees are determined by the board of directors.
The Standing Committees shall be Ways and Means, Publicity and Photography, Programs and Yearbook, Yard Committee, Landscaping and Beautification, Garden Club House Committee, Yard of the Season, Arbor Day, Sunshine and Shadows, Christmas Decorating/Courthouse Square, Scholarship, Finance, Membership and Bylaws.
- Ways and Means Committee shall consist of 5-7 members, including the treasurer. This committee will be responsible for planning and implementing events to fund the needs and endeavors of the club. All events should be planned and submitted to the club and voted upon, with dates established at the September meeting.
- Publicity and Photography Committee shall consist of 3-5 members. Responsibilities of this committee include publicity of club meetings, activities and events. News releases and photographs should be submitted for publication to local news outlets and newspapers, as well as area, district and state publications.
- Programs and Yearbook Committee shall be chaired by the first vice president should consist of 5-7 members. The responsibilities include planning and implementing interesting, informative and educational club programs. In addition, this group will assist the first vice president in preparation of the annual yearbook.
- Yard Committee will consist of 3-5 members who will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the yard of the Garden Club House. Upon request, this group will assist with plantings or maintenance of the courthouse grounds.
- Landscape and Beautification Committee will consist of 3-5 members and will identify and implement Garden club projects to improve and promote appearance of areas in our community.
- Garden Club House Committee will consist of 5-7 members and will be responsible for general maintenance, upkeep, and repairs of the Garden Club House. All expenditures should be presented to and approved by the club beforehand.
- Yard of the Season Committee shall consist of 3-5 members. Responsibilities are to identify yards within the San Augustine city limits exhibiting tasteful and pleasing displays of plantings for fall, Christmas, and spring. A sign will be placed in the yard of the winner.
- Arbor Day Event Committee will consist of 3-5 members and will be responsible for planning and implementing an annual Arbor Day event.
- Sunshine and Shadows Committee will consist of 1-3 members. Responsibilities of this committee will be to send cards for birthdays etc. and to reach out to club members in times of sickness and/or bereavement offering support by cards, phone calls, and/or visits. Plants or flowers will be sent to members upon the death of an immediate family member. Members will support this endeavor by contributions collected at regular club meetings.
- Christmas Decorating/Courthouse Square Committee will consist of all club members, with a chair being appointed by the executive committee. The chair will obtain usage approval from the county judge and commissioners court. Responsibilities include planning, supervising and participating in the transport of decorations both to and from the courthouse square, put up and take down of all decorations.
- Scholarship Committee shall consist of 5-7 members. The committee will award an annual scholarship to children or grandchildren of San Augustine Garden Club members who are graduating seniors of San Augustine High School. If no student meets those qualifications, the committee will contact the high school counselor for a list of students that meet the committee's criteria. Candidates must complete an application and submit it with an essay describing themselves and their hopes, ambitions and plans for the future. If more than one student meets the qualifications, the committee may consider dividing the scholarship equally between the applicants. If funds are available, the committee may award two scholarships. The amount of the scholarship will be determined and voted on annually.
- Finance Committee will consist of 3-5 members, with the treasurer serving as chair. This committee will receive requests from other committees, review dues, prepare and submit annual budget, supervise expenditures and provide records for audit.
- Membership Committee will consist of 3-5 with the second vice president serving as chair. Responsibilities include distribution and collection of applications of prospective members. Upon receiving an application, the membership chair shall present the application to the club.
- Bylaws Committee will consist of 3-5 members whose responsibilities will be to keep the current San Augustine Garden Club Constitution and Bylaws up to date. Bylaws should be reviewed annually.
The club-approved rental agreement of the Garden Club’s “Pink Lady” is in the custody of the president or a person designated by the president, the treasurer and the chair of the ways and means committee.
revised 2-28-2022

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