Organic Fire Ant Control
The fire ant control program that I have recommended for years and many people have used with great success is
as follows:
1. Apply dry molasses at 20 lbs. per 1000 square feet. This single step eliminates the pest completely in most cases.
2. Drench problem mounds with the Mound Drench formula - orange oil, molasses and compost tea. Commercial products are available.
3. Apply beneficial nematodes. These beneficial worms also help control termites, grubs, fleas, ticks and other soil inhabiting pests.
More detailed info on fire ant control can be found here: Fire Ant Control.
1. Apply dry molasses at 20 lbs. per 1000 square feet. This single step eliminates the pest completely in most cases.
2. Drench problem mounds with the Mound Drench formula - orange oil, molasses and compost tea. Commercial products are available.
3. Apply beneficial nematodes. These beneficial worms also help control termites, grubs, fleas, ticks and other soil inhabiting pests.
More detailed info on fire ant control can be found here: Fire Ant Control.